I have been a long-time user of the text editor Vim, and have grown to love its various idiosyncrasies and power over the years. These days, I can’t really imagine living without it for my day-to-day work and random hacking. MacVim in particular has been my favorite version of it ever since I started using a Mac. It has always struck a nice balance with being a light-weight straight port of Vim while making use of native Mac APIs to make it feel like a native application and taking advantage of native features.
Over the years I have been contributing code to MacVim and I just recently started taking over the project as the maintainer of MacVim a couple months ago. It’s both exciting and way more work than I imagined! Suddenly all the bugs reports and issues that you just assume would be taken care of is your problem to deal with. A bit different from just contributing a cool patch once in a while. If you use MacVim and would like to contribute, we need your help! Feel free to look through the issue list and submit pull requests.
One thing I feel responsible as the maintainer is to safeguard the repo against malicious modifications to the codebase. GitHub is generally a pretty good gatekeeper to safeguard the repository, but for safety I would like to start signing all Git commits and release tags for MacVim. There are online discussions about whether to sign only tags or all commits, but I generally lie on the camp of “sign all commits”. See this story for more motivations behind it.
My PGP (GPG?) key that I will use to sign Git commits can be found here. I have also pasted a copy below. You should not trust any public releases with my name without a signed tag or commit with this key.
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mDMEXAZIaxYJKwYBBAHaRw8BAQdAFWq7cIy4JAukQf896PdgtycJMk4BPEzQ2q4T oZ6IHma0LVllZSBDaGVuZyBDaGluIDxjb250YWN0LmdwZ0B5ZWVjaGVuZ2NoaW4u Y29tPoiQBBMWCAA4FiEEDM+2akU25gSGTzyv77zIqk5Qb+IFAlwGSGsCGwMFCwkI BwIGFQoJCAsCBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQ77zIqk5Qb+JU1AD/bILVKAtC6M6xlICi TLhfOwn3blgH2FWhbgg33c77Yt4A/20N1r/n5U09bam1JIBSrANMgPkddg33x7xl LBQnpREBtCRZZWUgQ2hlbmcgQ2hpbiA8eWNoaW4uZ2l0QGdtYWlsLmNvbT6IkAQT FggAOBYhBAzPtmpFNuYEhk88r++8yKpOUG/iBQJcBksqAhsDBQsJCAcCBhUKCQgL AgQWAgMBAh4BAheAAAoJEO+8yKpOUG/iUScBAMDTinFFEkrc4ktdKRM6ez75FNzJ d8CQD9QVh1bPN9VVAQC2qkBQ1seHr2YqqWaSAIIQdaIZNdTWue+Dc46RllLkArg4 BFwGSGsSCisGAQQBl1UBBQEBB0AsGxksKTqMYiWCQYvlmvQhLy8ck7TidLax8008 zGCiFQMBCAeIeAQYFggAIBYhBAzPtmpFNuYEhk88r++8yKpOUG/iBQJcBkhrAhsM AAoJEO+8yKpOUG/iI/UBAI7L9UmV4gbfyZGmVVoQlWMfMluyrHbn/RGAWKUMVSS3 AP9uvdjLjdGy2oHuv5pl4PVrqd0KVOtW6OK0dhLiVtz7CQ== =6ANd -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----